Zang-Hee Cho
Seoul National University, Korea
Title: Recent Advances in Ultra High Field MRI and PET-MRI Fusion Imaging-Applications to Neuroradiology
Biography: Zang-Hee Cho
Recent progresses on new imaging and system developments, especially on the Brain dedicated PET-MRI, using High resolution HRRT-PET and Ultra High Field 7.0T Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and their applications to basic and clinical neuroradiology will be discussed. With high field MRI, such as the 7.0T MRI, one can now visualize the subfields of the hippocampus and brainstem in-vivo as well as tractography hitherto unable to do with existing MRI systems. Together with molecular imaging using Positron Emission Tomography(PET), now, it is possible to visualize metabolic functional changes quantitatively in human brain in-vivo as well as connectivity through the tractography. Another new development is the Ultra-high field MRI super-resolution tractographic imaging which able to delineate the fine fiber structures such as the sub-components of the superior longitudinal fasciculus (SLF) and arcuate fasciculus (FA), among others, suggesting future applications of these fiber track information, for example, to the deep brain stimulation (DBS). One of the most exciting discovery with the PET-MRI fusion imaging is the ability to delineate the individually resolved raphe nuclei in the brainstem suggesting possibility of studying serotonergic activities and related psychiatric and other neurological disorders hitherto unable to do quantitatively in human in-vivo.rnIn short, some recent results of brain PET-MRI fusion system as well as the new tractographic images obtained with 7.0T that can the applicable to the treatment of the neurological disorders will be discussed and highlighted.rn